Cleaning and Caring for Dentures

A 3D printed model of a lower jaw with a clear resin covering it Whether you are new to wearing dentures or have had them for years, brush up on your denture care for a healthy smile. The most important thing to keep in mind is to always be gentle with your dentures and to keep them as sanitary as possible. When cleaning your dentures, make sure you are careful and aren’t bending them too much, as this could potentially damage them and ruin their original shape. Whenever removing your dentures, be sure to lay a towel on your sink in case you drop them. Accidents happen and a soft towel will absorb the impact of your dentures’ potential fall.

Keeping your dentures clean is of the upmost importance, as this will prevent harmful bacteria from entering your body and getting you sick. Stick to a schedule, incorporating cleaning your dentures into your everyday routine for a healthy mouth. After each meal, make it a habit to go to the bathroom to rinse off debris or food particles with water. Also clean the inside of your mouth before placing the dentures back in. Use a soft toothbrush or soft cloth to clean your cheeks, tongue and roof of you mouth so that any left over bacteria will not spread onto your dentures.

Be sure to brush your dentures at least once or twice a day. Clean in the morning and at night before soaking them in denture solution. Along with bacteria and food, this will remove denture adhesive from previous uses.

If you’re still experiencing discomfort after keeping up with cleanliness for your dentures, be sure to schedule an appointment with Comprehensive Family Dental. Our Victoria, Texas office is located at 110 Professional Park Drive. Contact us online or by phone at 361-573-7722 to set up your appointment today!


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