Do You Have TMJ? You Might Have Sleep Apnea

Do You Have TMJ? You Might Have Sleep Apnea

Your jawbone (the mandible) meets your skull bone (the temporal bone) at the temporomandibular joint or TMJ. On a good day, this joint allows your mouth to open and close, to speak and eat or rest. On a bad day, you can develop pain and dysfunction in the TMJ that affects many areas of your […]

5 Common Questions About Sedation Dentistry

5 Common Questions About Sedation Dentistry

For many people, one thing stands in the way of a healthy, beautiful smile – fear of the dentist!  Even routine cleanings can be scary for folks with dental phobia. However,  has made it our business to offer you the most comfortable dental experience possible, which is why Comprehensive Family Dental offers sedation dentistry services. […]

Dental Implants & New Teeth the Same Day? Inconceivable!

A man and a woman standing on top of a model of teeth. The text above the image says "All-on-4® Teeth in a Day."

Many people face tooth loss and are unsure of their options. Tooth loss is difficult socially as well as physically. When you lose a tooth, you also lose the bone that supported the tooth—it simply stops growing since it’s no longer needed. After that bone disappears, your jawbone will continue to shrink away as well, […]

Why You Can’t Afford to Ignore Bleeding Gums

Why You Can’t Afford To Ignore Bleeding Gums

One of the most common and destructive myths about oral health is that it’s normal for gums to bleed. Victoria dentists Dr. Tim Rainey and Dr. Donnese Fritsche would like everyone to know that this is not the case! Imagine if we weren’t talking about gums—should any part of your body start to bleed whenever […]

Have You Been Avoiding the Dentist?

A cartoon of a dentist with a mustache. The text above the dentist says "If You're Avoiding the Dentist.

We’ve all got our reasons. Money. Time. The fear of pain. Juggling insurance. Facing one more reminder that we really should be flossing more. Any of these might cause us to avoid and put off regular visits to the dentist. Has it been so long since your last dental appointment that you’re not even sure […]

If You Can’t Stand Dental Floss, You Might Need This

If You Can’t Stand Dental Floss, You Might Need This

We know a lot of our friends and neighbors aren’t fans of being asked how often they brush and floss, but at Comprehensive Family Dental, we hope you know it’s because we care and want to help you keep your smile healthy and beautiful for life! Getting to know your habits also helps us personalize […]

Should I Be Screening Myself for Oral Cancer?

A black and white image with the text "Should I Be Screening Myself for Oral Cancer?" written in a large font.

In a word: Ab-so-lute-ly! Pretend those hyphens are the “clapping hands” emoji, because we want to emphasize how important it is to get up close and personal with your mouth in the interests of oral cancer detection. Currently, oral cancer kills one person in the United States per hour. The reason it’s so deadly is […]

ADHD and other behavioral disorders can be related to poor sleep.

Woman holding her face in pain, likely from a toothache or headache.

The above video is the story of a mother and her difficult journey in getting treatment for her son who had debilitating behavioral issues. ADHD or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a term that unfortunately most people in our society are all too familiar with. It sadly might even be considered “normal” to some degree […]

Silver fillings increase mercury blood levels up to 150%.

Image of a woman that receiving treatment at a dentist's hospital

Recent research examined  the levels of mercury found in the blood of research participants in relation to the number of silver amalgam fillings that they have.(1) Not surprisingly, as the number of silver dental fillings increased, so did the level of mercury detected in their blood. In people who had 8 or more amalgam fillings, […]

Recent flossing study, is it time to hang up your floss?

The image shows a dentist using a drill to remove the root of a tooth.

The recent news about an AP study which concluded that flossing your teeth was not beneficial has been an hot topic for dentists and dental patients recently. I think you could almost feel the collective sigh of relief from the multitudes who are not fond of flossing their teeth. That flossing study I believe has […]